, please do so, we are planning to hold more research projects in near future. About "Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. If you haven’t caught all of them yet, this is the perfect chance to fill your Pokédex. Also, Fire types are extremely good against the Snover family line and Arcanine features Wild Charge which could prove useful against Lapras or Cloyster. Grunts using this taunt will have Dragon type Pokemon. I was ranked Ace trainer in season 1 of Silph League's world rankings for PvP. Team GO Rocket Grunts can be quite difficult without proper counters, especially if you’re using a mono typed team and get countered. means dragon-types. "Normal doesn't mean weak." "Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?" Recommended Pokemon for this encounter is Machamp (or you strongest counter user), with Lucario and Breloom being great options. Your best Ground types will also work. It was … Golurk retaliates with a Flash Cannon, which Aerodactyl evades. means electric-types. Updated for December 2020. Choose fighting-types here. Gym. There’s no distance limit on how far you can move (or at least we never reached it). Easily defeated by using Psychic, Fairy and Flying type Pokemon. ... "Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. Try electric and grass-types. "These waters are treacherous." Possible encounters feature Grass type Pokemon. I was given my first Charmander Pokemon card by a friend in the 4th grade in 1999 and was hooked ever since. Raikou is also a great option, but Magnezone will resist dragon type attacks. Shiny Kyogre and Shiny Groudon will be in raids from January 19th 10am to January 26th 10am local time. Thank you! means flying-types. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Same for the rest. It is vulnerable to Ice, Rock, Steel, Water and Electric moves. We have similar news to share today, detailing Raid Battle and move balance changes, and move set additions to the game, which you may have seen referred to in our most recent Sinnoh region update . Rock-types will be your best friend here. / Winning is for winners. Aerodactyl's movepool in the main series Pokemon games has no shortage of STAB Flying and Rock-type moves. Pokemon GO Grunt Counters. Grunts that taunt Coiled prefer to use Poison types, especially the Nidoran and Grimer family line. The best Groudon... Pokémon GO's Unova Celebration Event celebrates Pokémon first found in the Unova region. Grunts using this taunt will use Ghost type Pokemon. Purified Pokemon can not be transferred to either Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Pokemon Let's Go Eevee. In this case, Rhyperior is the best counter, with Mud-Slap, Rock Wrecker, and Surf/Earthquake. Best counter: Smack Down Tyranitar / Kyogre / Vaporeon. Counters: Groudon and other ground types. Possible encounters feature Ground type Pokemon. ; An unannounced surprise pokemon is coming to raids January 26th we suspect Shiny Rayquaza to follow Kyogre and Groudon. This encounter can be particularly difficult, depending on the line up you get. Grunts using this taunt will use Shellder, Magikarp, Poliwhirl, and Psyduck evolution line. To hold back their take-over efforts, Team Leaders Spark, Blanche, and Candela faceoff in a battle between #TeamGORocket Leaders Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo! Pokémon Go shiny Aerodactyl: Photoshop fails to fool the Silph Road community A post went up on the Silph Road on Thursday seeming to indicate that a Twitter user had caught a shiny Aerodactyl … The standout feature of this encounter is the third Pokémon, which forces you to have optimal counters. Team GO Rocket Grunts can be quite difficult without proper counters, especially if you’re using a mono typed team and get countered. What is virtually worthless in terms of both power and speed? This guide lists the best Pokemon and best Movesets you should use in order to defeat Aerodactyl as effectively and as efficiently as possible. PvP. Every Pokémon that faints on your team reduces the number of Premier Balls you will get for the Shadow Pokémon catch encounter. means psychic-types. means ground-types. Guides Pokemon Go Image via Niantic. Includes Pokémon lineups for all Grunt fights. Venusaur and Roserade are good options against Poliwrath’s Fighting moves. They have a bad habit of announcing their team long before you'll need to put together yours. Ralts and Kirlia are Fairy types and have the potential to do damage to your dark types, but they are so incredibly squishy that it shouldn’t matter too much. Counters: Machamp, Tyranitar, Arcanine, Charizard, Moltres. Counters: Alakazam, Gardevoir, Mewtwo, Sky Attack Moltres, Drill Peck Zapdos. To get the items back from your PokeStop, you'll need to defeat the guarding Grunt and free the location from GO Rocket control. National № 142: Type: Rock Flying: Species: Fossil Pokémon: Height: 1.8 m (5′11″) Weight: 59.0 kg (130.1 lbs) Abilities: 1. Charizard is great for similar reason because of Dragon Claw and the fire type attacks over good coverage. pic.twitter.com/Ebiit8Tz7r. Grunts that boast this taunt use Grass-type Pokemon, often from the Bellsprout family line, combined with the occasional Bulbasaur, Seedot and Oddish family. Snorlax is always tough and there is a chance you could be countered by different line ups. This is among the more common group of encounters, comprising roughly 7% of all TR invasions. ... All counter Pokémon. You can really limit the amount of fast moves the Go Rocket grunt can get off. However, this Grunt team potentially requires you to actively switch your Pokémon as Golbat will resist ground type attacks, but if your Rhyperior has rock wrecker, then you could charge up on Nidoran and have it ready just in case. Being a Rock/Flying Type, Aerodactyl is vulnerable against Electric, Rock, Steel, Ice and Water Type Moves. You’ve recorded more than 1300 TR Battles and this guide is made possible solely on the merit of the data you provided! Team Rocket Grunts do not use shields, which gives you an additional edge in these battles. Time to roll out fire-types like Charizard. Easily defeated by using Dark and Ghost types like Darkrai, Weavile, Gengar and Tyranitar. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. These battles range from simple to downright challenging and are part of a bigger storyline that has several Special Research quests so far. We wish to say thank you to everyone that contributed their data to our Team Rocket Battles research project. ????????? 3kkology here, updating this guide for everyone to use to take down Go Rocket invasions. / Winning is for winners." I wanted to provide my dedicated Go Rocket team that I use for efficiency when taking down large invasion of Go Rocket grunts. These taunts indicate the strongest Pokémon you will face, not the one you can catch. Includes Pokémon lineups for all Grunt fights. These encounters are quite rare, only comprising 0.5% of all recorded TR invasions. Another great counter is Shadow Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge. Mamoswine – 2x effectiveness against Vibrava/Flygon and Gligar/Gliscor. Grunts using this taunt use a difficult combination of Flying type Pokemon: Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Scyther, Gyarados, Dragonite, and now Skarmory. Groudon and Raikou are also good alternatives, but Rhyperior and Tyranitar should be all you need. This Pokémon was restored from a piece of fossilized amber. Grunts using this taunt will use Dark type Pokemon. Water and grass-types like Vaporeon and Exeggutor do best here. Team GO Rocket Grunt Battles - counters, lineups and strategies on how to defeat them with ease. Pick a water or rock-type. We suggest using Grass or Electric type counters like Alolan Exeggutor, Sceptile, Leafeon, Tangrowth, Raikou, Magnizon, Electivire, Jolteon, or Zapdos. Raboot tries a Double Kick counter, but it is knocked down by a Rock Slide. There is a slight delay in Rocket Grunts attacking after charge moves are used or Pokémon are switched, which you can take advantage of to make your victory that much easier. The lead is Rhyperior. A guide on how to counter Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokemon GO. means grass-types. Aerodactyl is a reptilian, bipedal Pokémon with large, membranous wings. You can bring an Electric type in the back just in case. Season 5 of the #GOBattle League is coming soon with some exciting changes, including more themed cups! We recommend reading through each encounter in details and understanding how the game assembles Team Rocket Pokemon teams. Possible encounters feature Ice type Pokemon. Possible encounters feature Water type Pokemon. Ability: Sand Rush. This video shows How to counter Team rocket balloon: Aerodactyl Gardevoir Gyarados in Pokemon go means rock-types. Unfortunately it didn't get a fast STAB move in Pokemon Go until 3 years after the game's release. Use electric-types here, but beware of a stray Dragonite or Gyrados. Aerodactyl's strongest moveset is Rock Throw & Rock Slide and it has a Max CP of 2,783. There is potential for counter moves from Go Rocket Pokémon with access to ground and ice type attacks. means fire-types. "Go, my super bug Pokemon!" There’s no penalty for rejoining. This team is very well rounded for all grunt encounters. Finally, in third place, we have to include Shadow Aerodactyl with Rock Throw and Rock Slide. Possible encounters feature Poison type Pokemon. Shadow Aerodactyl Counters - Pokemon GO Pokebattle Tyranitar and Magnezone are two great partners for Aerodactyl. Ho-Oh is making a magnificant return to Pokémon Go, right at the start of 2021. Grunts using this taunt will use Fire type Pokemon. Updated for December 2020. © 2016 – 2021 Pokémon GO Hub | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, GO Rocket Grunts Guide: Counters and Lineups, We wish to say thank you to everyone that contributed their data to our Team Rocket Battles research project. Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power? Movesets are the combination of the fast attack and charged attack your Pokémon uses in battles. The primary Legendary Pokémon for 2021 is Ho-Oh, the mascot of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon HeartGold and will probably be accessible for only a few brief days, from January 1 by way of January 5, 2021. The second features rare Pokemon such as Lapras, Snorlax, Gyrados, Dragonite, and others. Grunts using this taunt will use Rock type Pokemon from the Larvitar family line, all of which are easily defeated by Machamp. "Get ready to be shocked!" These are the Pokémon and their moves that do the most damage to Aerodactyl. Shiny Kyogre and Shiny Groudon are in Pokemon Go Raids until January 26th! While it may seem like Combat Power (CP) or stats (IVs) are the most important factors in Pokémon Go, movesets play a critical role as well. Rampardos a bit of a glass cannon Pokemon, though, so be careful with that. Grunts using this taunt use Ground type Pokemon. Don’t bother – I’ve already won. Best counter: Smack Down Tyranitar + 1 Ice type if you encounter Dragonite, 1 Electric type in case of Gyarados or Skarmory. means fighting-types. Tyranitar is perfectly good enough for these encounters and you likely have some powered up. Easily defeated by using [Fighting] or Rock type attacks. On average, this encounter appears in 8% of all recorded TR invasions. Ever since Niantic Labs rolled out their Team GO Rocket Takeover feature on Pokemon GO, trainers have been finding their favorite PokeStops conquered and being defended by GO Rocket Grunts. The first features the Kanto starters, which you can easily counter with your own. The clawed hands at the bend of each wing allow it to grasp objects. Grunts using this taunt use Bug type Pokemon, mostly from the Venonat, Scyther and Weedle evolution lines. The exact move set is not that important, just make sure it’s a double Ice move set. In our previous Community Note, we outlined some changes that came to Pokémon GO that affect your Pokémon’s effectiveness in battle. Possible encounters feature Electric type Pokemon. Metagross with Meteor Mash and Dialga are also good back up options, Ursaring with Fighting moves (against Lick especially) is surprisingly strong in this match up, Dragonite with any Dragon-type move set as it has bulk and great neutral damage output (beware of Gardevoir), Lucario with double Fighting is also good, as it’s second type is Steel and that helps him a lot in this fight. Players have reported defeating the fight with Mewtwo and Gengar teams as well. Updated for December 2020. Our recommended team for this Grunt encounter is Rhyperior for Nidoran/ Grimer or Muk/ Nidorina/o + Tyranitar in case their second Pokemon is Golbat, while still resisting poison and dark type moves. Grunts using this taunt will use Psychic type Pokemon from the Drowzee, Abra, and Ralts evolution lines, all of which are easily defeat by your average Dark type Pokemon. means normal-types. Ground types are traditionally weak to Water and Grass, but with the addition of the Gligar family line, we would suggest Ice in this case. Goh orders Aerodactyl listen to him, but it goes on the attack instead. Easily defeated by using Ground type Pokemon. You should shield against every Charge move they use (the charged attack the Shadow Pokémon use in battle is not Frustration, but a regular move from their move pool). In case you encounter a Gyarados, bring out your Electric Pokemon. Before starting the Team Rocket Battle encounter in Pokemon GO, the Grunt will taunt you. Catching an Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go is no easy task and you’ll need to catch one to help you complete the eighth challenge in the Let’s Go, Meltan research tasks. Pokemon GO Grunt Counters are easy to predict. We use this taunt line to figure out which type of Pokemon he / she will use in the fight. "Let’s rock and roll!" Its body is covered in light purplish gray skin with violet wing membranes. It has small, sharply pointed ears, narrow eyes, a ridged snout with a gaping mouth, and strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Possible encounters feature Dark type Pokemon. Machamp or any other high-tier fighting-type will do. Goh calls out his Golurk, leading Aerodactyl to attack the titan with its wings. Wherever there is light, there is also shadow. Easily defeated by using Ground type attacks, Rhyperior being an excellent choice. Feel free to copy and try for yourself. Then you could bring an Ice type or maybe Tyranitar to deal with the 3rd Pokemon encounter. There is a good chance you will encounter a Snorlax so you will likely want a fighter on your team, either Machamp or Lucario. has two different sets. The post How to beat Moltres in Pokémon Go – Weaknesses, counters, strategies appeared first on Gamepur. "Use items to evolve Pokemon 15 times" quest for level 42 Glad I hoarded my Sinnoh Stones and Unova Stones, but wondering which Pokemon to use… 01/20/2021 - 03:27 Houndour and Vulpix families are almost in every fight, with the last Pokemon sometimes being another Charmeleon, Houndoom or an Arcanine. A guide on how to counter Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokemon GO. / Get ready to be defeated! Most likely encounter is Stunky and two Skuntanks. https://t.co/d9NW6x5gaF pic.twitter.com/e6vNF4yzTl, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Fact check: Health benefits of bay leaves need more study, Reddit and Elon Musk sparked a GameStop stock surge. An example of a Pokemon that works less well is Focus Sash users like Marshadow the are not immune to sandstorm damage. FleeceKing and LaurenLolly have been reported as the first 2 people in the world to achieve Level 50! Special wallbreakers such as Choice Specs Porygon-Z and Life Orb Hydreigon can destroy physical walls, allowing Aerodactyl to use its attacks more freely. "Ke… ke… ke… ke… ke… ke…" means ghost-types. Best Kyogre counters... Groudon is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, being a member of the Weather Trio with Rayquaza and Kyogre. Get your Pokemon Go Raid counters ready! Login. You can walk away from the Poke Stop once the encounter starts. Possible encounters feature Bug type Pokemon. "Don't tangle with us!" "Coiled and ready to strike!" It’s Magikarp, the featured Pokémon for August #PokemonGOCommunityDay! Bug types are easily defeated by Fire types, which is key to defeating Scizor. Aerodactyl Pokemon Go evolution, Mega Aerodactyl is also one of the most popular and dangerous Pokemon available in the game. Possible encounters feature Fire type Pokemon. ...How'd that sound?" Best counters: Smack Down Rhyperior / Tyranitar / Raikou / Groudon. Thank you! ICYMI: Team GO Rocket took over Day 2 of #PokemonGOFest2020 around the world. Lucario Power-up Punch is very powerful because of the delay in attacking by grunt Pokémon after using charge moves. For this, Tyranitar, Metagross, and Lucario can be a surprisingly effective team. As this fight is a mono-type encounter, we recommend using 2 Ice Pokemon: Mamoswine, Glaceon, Weavile or even an Ice Beam Mewtwo. means water-types. Counters: Darkraki, Weavile, Gengar, Tyranitar. If you'd like to know which grunt will send out which Pokemon for Shadow or other reasons, however, here is a list. If you are looking for the best ways to defeat Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go, you've come to the right place! You will always be catching either the first or the second Pokémon that they used. The number one counter against Ho-Oh is Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide. Aerodactyl (Pokémon GO) Pokémon GO Info. Roughly 8% of Invasions are using this taunt. "You’ll be defeated into the ground!" There are two Pokemon that perform incredibly well against them: Possible encounters feature Psychic type Pokemon. Pokemon Go Types can determine where you will find certain Pokemon living and the type of moves they can learn. Roughly 8% of Invasions are using this taunt. It can be annoying to look at this guide for every grunt and remember what Pokémon is best for each encounter. Possible encounters feature Ghost type Pokemon. Possible encounters feature Dragon type Pokemon. Excadrill @ Life Orb. Your best bet would be a dark-type team. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. All of these Pokemon take super-effective damage from Fighting moves, so you will only need your best fighting types here. The Fire-type legendary bird from the original Pokémon games. You will commonly fight Nidoran, Golbat, Grimer, and Nidorina/o. I am an environmental scientist from Sacramento, CA. Credits for the counters go to Silph Road and PokéBattler (via reddit). Grunts will randomly select one 1 Pokemon from each of the 3 columns (#1 – 3) to build a team. It’s in your best interest to switch low HP Pokémon before they faint. Best counters: Machamp, Breloom, and Lucario. ; Hoenn Celebration Research quest requires 2 of each raid for a possibly shiny Rayquaza reward! You can use the same team you would usually use for Mewtwo or Deoxys raids. means poison-types. The key is to look at the battle phrase. The most important thing Pokemon Types can determine is a Pokemon Weakness; this is further explained below with our Pokemon Go Type Chart also known as a Pokemon Go Weakness Chart, for short PoGo Type Chart. Pick a mix of psychic and flying-types to win this battle. Regardless of which Pokemon you face at the end, Water types like Kyogre and Rock types like Smack Down Tyranitar are your best pick in these fights because they resist fire type attacks. Cloyster and Lapras are possible encounters which can be trickier for your rock types. Mega Evolution has finally made its way to Pokémon Go … Grunts using this taunt will use Electric type Pokemon. You can also find Pokémon to counter them in the wild and in Eggs to help build a formidable team to take on these forces of nature. Let’s start by answering some of the biggest questions about Ho-Oh raids. Aerodactyl's wings consist of a membrane running from the side of the body to the tip of an elongated finger. Possible encounters feature Fighting type Pokemon. If you are extra worried about Shiftry, you can bring your best Bug type as it is 2x weak to bug attacks. You’ve recorded more than 1300 TR Battles and this guide is made possible solely on the merit of the data you provided! Currently, they will most likely use a Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite in this fight. Below you’ll find a chart featuring all the best counters against Ho-Oh in Pokémon GO, but first we have some tips, tricks, and other info to guide you through the raid. If you want to join our Discord server, please do so, we are planning to hold more research projects in near future. Why AMC and BlackBerry are next. Team GO Rocket Grunts can be quite difficult without proper counters, especially if you’re using a mono typed team and get countered. Best counter: Mamoswine, Glaceon, Weavile, Magnezone and Raikou for Gyarados. Pokémon. Fortunately, these grunts aren't difficult to beat. Rock Head 2. Team GO Rocket Invasion is a feature in Pokémon GO that allows you to battle an NPC trainer in-game to rescue a Shadow Pokémon and receive a reward. The first features the Kanto starters, which you can easily counter with your own. This is the team that I use for every Go Rocket encounter and it has yet to fail me. The Team Rocket grunt gives hints on the type of their third Pokémon. Possible encounters feature Flying type Pokemon. Best counter: Alolan Exeggutor, Sceptile, Leafeon, Tangrowth, Raikou, Magnezone. Purifying a fainted Shadow Pokemon will restore it to full health . GIVEAWAYI’m giving away exclusive funko pops for every 100 subscribers On YouTube. This encounter is easily defeated if you have Moltres, Charizard, Entei or even a Heatran. Top attackers Top defenders List of Pokémon by CP Moves PVP stats list. Raids. The event last from Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.... Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. "ROAR! Pick your favorite dark-type and go in. More about Pokemon Go. Pokémon GO Ho-Oh Raid Guide. Share this page. Possible encounters feature Rock type Pokemon. Aerodactyl is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokemon GO, with Boss CP of 18678.This page lists best Aerodactyl counters and strategies to solo raid it. Regardless, we recommend using a team of Smack Down Tyranitar, one Ice type for Dragonite, and one Electric type for Skarmory and Gyarados. - Get the latest info on Shiny Pokémon, Raid Bosses, Research, and more in Pokémon GO from Leek Duck, a Trainer from NYC. Aerodactyl is vulnerable to a whole range of attacks, check the left column on this site then look through your high CP mon who have both fast and charged attacks in what he's vulnerable too. Possible encounters feature Normal type Pokemon. January's Pokemon Go Raids have been announced! Aerodactyl is a Rock & Flying Pokémon. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. A guide on how to counter Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokemon GO. Aerodactyl has decent stats and a very cool type combination, but it falls a bit behind other Rock Type attackers and has no other real niche. We tested this up to almost 500 meters (0.31 miles). These encounters comprise roughly 7% of all TR invasions. A brand new yr brings new Legendary Raids to Pokémon Go. Obviously, once you hit a certain trainer level, you can blow right through these Grunts with a well-trained Dragonite or Tyranitar. If you lose, you can re-match and the Grunt will have the same Pokémon again. Grunts using this taunt will use [Ice] type Pokemon. Grunts using this taunt will use Fighting type Pokemon. However, now there is also a small chance that you will encounter Aerodactly in which case Machamp should still come out victorious. Charizard / Moltres with Fire type moves resists most moves from all Pokemon and deal 2x Super Effective Damage to Scizor. Aerodactyl raid counters are heavily based on a variety of Water, Electric and Rock type Pokemon that deal super effective damage and utilize his type weaknesses. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. Any fire-type will do just fine here. Entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Forretress and Swampert can help wear down Pokemon that switch into Aerodactyl, as most of Aerodactyl's checks and counters lack reliable recovery. Or you can go with a full on SD Tyranitar team, but be careful of Skarmory Flash Cannon. means bug-types. Grunts that use this taunt line will primarily use Normal type Pokemon: Teddiursa, Raticate, Porygon2, Porygon-Z and Snorlax. Unfortunately, you can’t use your Ice types to counter Gyarados, so we recommend packing one Electric type like Magnezone to deal with it. You should be able to take down most, if not all, of the team with Rhyperior alone. Do you know how hot Pokemon fire breath can get? This monumental event in Pokémon GO... Kyogre is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, being a member of the Weather Trio with Groudon and Rayquaza. Hit the link in my bio for details. Get ready, Trainers! Aerodactyl can be solo raided using the same counters as in group raids. Breaking News Ground-types work best here. "This buff physique isn’t just for show!" The best Team Rocket Shadow Aerodactyl Counters with configurable levels and shielding. Includes Pokémon lineups for all Grunt fights. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe. Gyarados is the only one that gives you a hard time, but a well planned Rock Wrecker or a powered up Shadow Ball will do the trick. First 2 Level 50s in the World & Level 48 Reset... Gyarados – double resist Ground and resists Fighting moves, has Water attacks. / Get ready to be defeated! Your Pokémon are not automatically healed after the battle. The Silph Road's Global Nest Atlas is the largest collection of known Pokemon GO nest locations in the world. "Don’t bother – I’ve already won. Author Tips and Go Rocket Take Down Lineup. Aerodactyl is from the prehistoric age and because of this its name and physical characteristics are based on that of a pterodactyl. If you can't beat them, spend time trying to level up your char and your mon. We also recommend Raikou or another strong Electric type in the lead to deal with Aerodactyl and then have shadow ball ready in case Gardevoir is in the second slot. If you want to join. Pay attention to the hardest encounter that features various permutations featuring Aerodactyl that can easily catch you off guard. To defeat Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). "My bird Pokemon wants to battle with you!" "Do you know how hot Pokemon fire breath can get?" Ice-types are your friend here. There are 3 Pokemon that i would say that are so good as team mates that i would heavy advise using them and will go over them quickly. Sableye and Shiftry could prove difficult for Rhyperior, so having a Fairy type or Lucario in the back is helpful. Use Ghost type Pokemon: Teddiursa, Raticate, Porygon2, Porygon-Z Snorlax... 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