The concept exists in many societies, including traditional Fijian, Māori, Samoan, Kiribati, Rapanui, Tahitian, Hawaiian, and Tongan cultures, in most cases using a recognisably similar word, though the Rotuman term for this concept is "ha'a". Māori culture is an important part of society in New Zealand.. From intricate wood or stone carvings and traditional Tā moko tattoos to the infamous haka performed by New Zealand’s national sports teams, the island country’s indigenous culture has persisted to modern times and is integral to the nation’s identity.. To associate something that is extremely tapu with something that is noa is offensive to Māori. In earlier times food cooked for a person of high rank was tapu, and could not be eaten by an inferior. No matter how familiar you are with Māori culture, it is worthwhile spending some time researching the cultural significance of your proposed intellectual property. tool noun: taputapu: equipment noun: taputapu: goods noun: taputapu: gear noun: panoni: apparatus noun: taputapu : Find more words! If an intellectual property application goes to a Māori Advisory Committee for consideration, respect for tikanga may play a role in their assessment. In at least one case, a chief declared a whole settlement - Auckland, a newly founded European settler town - as tapu, to clarify to other tribes that he considered it as under his protection.[6]. When using or commissioning Māori artwork or designs, consider using an artist or designer who is familiar with traditional Māori culture and tikanga. Even commonplace Māori words and designs should be treated with care. Māori artists often dedicate themselves to studying a specific art form. For example, in the case of patents and designs, the invention or design must be new and/or original, whereas inventions derived from traditional knowledge may be neither new nor original. The country is going through a real revival of Te Reo these days. In Hawaii, a similar concept is known as "kapu".[5]. November 1, 2016. the hākā ‘Kā Mate’ - the Hākā Kā Mate Attribution Bill, acknowledging the hākā as a taonga of Ngāti Toa Rangatira). This could also work against the need to keep the intellectual property confidential until it has been protected. However, a poisoned waterway could also be considered tapu, but not sacred. A person is imbued with mana and tapu by reason of his or her birth. Search for specific intellectual property cases. A person, object, or place could be made sacred by tapu for a certain time. Any acts undermine or disrespects mauri is therefore objectionable. Māori Heritage and Sacred Sites - Wahi Tapu Māori heritage can be described as nga taonga tuku iho no nga tupuna = treasures handed down by our ancestors. In the relationship between Ranginui (the sky father) and Papatuanuku (the earth mother) and their children, from whom all living things are believed to descend. The ‘footprint’ of iwi and hapū life and culture since the first arrivals in Aotearoa some 800 years ago, it is substantial and touches all parts of our country. For example, mountains that were important to particular tribal groups were often tapu, and the activities that took place on these mountains were restricted. Associating Māori elements with these types of goods and services could be considered offensive. Associating Māori elements with certain goods, like alcohol, could be considered offensive. While this meaning of tapu is something set apart as sacred, noa means a safe and unrestricted state—but still with the ‘intrinsic tapu’ intact. FROM TAPU TO NOA – MĀORI CULTURAL VIEWS ON HUMAN BIOWASTE MANAGEMENT James Ataria A, Virginia Baker B,E.R. A tree such … Tapu controlled how people behaved towards each other and the environment. The fishhook represents sustainability as well as traditional knowledge. Each shape, colour and material was carefully selected for its cultural or spiritual meaning. It is one of the strongest forces in Māori culture. Tapu is the strongest force in Māori life. Noa is similar to a blessing. Tapu, tabu or kapu is a Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions. A person, object, or place that is tapu, may not be touched by human contact, in some cases, not even approached. Ten of our favourite Māori words & their meanings. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in Maori. Kia Ora! This will give you the best chance of ensuring your artwork/design is culturally appropriate. N1 Glossary of Māori terms Tapu Having restrictions, sacred. All plants and animals, according to the Māori world view, therefore share a sacred (tapu) origin. Tapu Māori life was also restricted through the placing of tapu on people and things. Women in traditional Māori society were considered very tapu during menstruation, due to the degree of tapu associated with blood. The English word "taboo" derives from this later meaning and dates from Captain James Cook's visit to Tonga in 1777.. Tapu is the strongest force in Māori life. Tapu can be interpreted as “sacred” but also “not ordinary”, “special” or even forbidden. Whakanoa is the process of returning something to its normal state by removing the ‘extensions of tapu’. For example, the word ‘kuia’ could be translated as ‘grandmother’. Almost every activity, ceremonial or otherwise, was connected to the maintenance and enhancement of mana and tapu. Noa also has the concept of a blessing in that it can lift the rules and restrictions of tapu. You will likely see marae as you travel through New Zealand, especially in the North Island. Part of this study includes learning tikanga, or the ‘right’ way to do things. Tapu can be interpreted as ‘sacred’, or defined as ‘spiritual restriction’, containing a strong imposition of rules and prohibitions. A person, object, or place that is tapu, may not be touched by human contact, in some cases, not even approached. A person, object, … The manaia depicts a spiritual guardian. La Tapu (Sacred Sail) The basic shape is that of a Pacific canoe sail. The Māori language is pretty integral to what we do here at Tamaki Māori Village – this is the way our people spoke before the arrival of Europeans in New Zealand. A visitor who has never set foot on a marae is known as waewae tapu or sacred feet. Objective: The aim of this article is to give an overview of Māori concepts informing a collaboration between a Māori healer (NiaNia) and psychiatrist (Bush). She is the head of the aho tapairu, an aristocratic female line of descent. Tapuwae Footprint. Also, intellectual property rights are owned by individuals or an identifiable commercial entity, whereas traditional knowledge belongs to a collective group, and may have developed over centuries. Māori heritage is central to New Zealand’s unique identity. Tapu is often described or framed as meaning ‘sacred’, and indeed many aspects of tapu might be considered as such. Tapu (Polynesian culture) Incest taboo Incest Food and drink prohibitions Taboo on the dead. These historical examples of inappropriate inference would not be acceptable today for many reasons, including the combining of noa and tapu: Images from Well Made New Zealand: a Century of Trademarks. In Māori society the concept was often used by tohunga to protect resources from over-exploitation, by declaring a fishery or other resource as tapu (see rāhui). The toki is a stylised adze that represents strength, control and determination. Few have an understanding of Māori culture behind them. Ngāpuhi elder Māori Marsden suggested tohunga comes from an alternative meaning of tohu (sign or manifestation), so tohunga means chosen or appointed one. ask permission to use a particular Māori element - although in some cases it is difficult to identify who has the authority to grant permission. Ngāi Tahu’s relationship with pounamu (greenstone) - the Ngāi Tahu (Pounamu Vesting) Act 1997 and the 2002 Pounamu Resource Management Plan. It symbolises new beginnings, growth and harmony. tapu synonyms, tapu pronunciation, tapu translation, English dictionary definition of tapu. Tapu[1][2][3] or tabu[4] is a Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions. It is also said to represent life’s eternal paths. Tapu, tabu or kapu is a Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions. It is New Zealand’s earliest heritage. The English word taboo derives from this later meaning and dates from Captain James Cook's visit to Tonga in 1777. Māori culture. This can be raised as an objection against your New Zealand trade mark or design application, and may impact market sales. More meanings for taputapu. The English word taboo derives from this later meaning and dates from Captain James Cook's visit to Tonga in 1777. The koru depicts an unfolding fern frond. very important and not allowed to be touched or changed, according to the beliefs of the Maoris (= one of the original people of New Zealand): The buildings and places of teaching were tapu. Manuhiri/manuwhiri guests or visitors at a Marae are considered tapu until food has touched or passed through their mouths. Noa, on the other hand, lifts the tapu from the person or the object. In Māori society the concept was often used by tohunga (priests) to protect resources from over-exploitation, by declaring a fishery or other resource as tapu (see rāhui). However, a growing number of products are referencing traditional Māori art and design, both in New Zealand and overseas. In this light, it would be offensive for kuia (tapu) to be associated with things like food and alcohol (noa) in a trade mark. Māori heritage can be divided into the physical/tangible, natural and intangible. In some cases, they should not even be spoken of. A person, object or place that is tapu may not be touched or, in some cases, not even approached. Burial grounds and places of death were always tapu, and these areas were often surrounded by a protective fence. Tapu can be interpreted as ‘sacred’, or defined as ‘spiritual restriction’, containing a strong imposition of rules and prohibitions. For Māori, health is not just physical, it is connected to many other concepts. Look it up now! In a teaching and learning context, it is common for Māori to share food as a means of welcoming people, celebrating success, or building rapport. Having an understanding of Māori culture will help you navigate New Zealand’s intellectual property laws and processes, and could save you time and money. Consider the hei tiki: Familiar The hei tiki is one of New Zealand’s most popular and recognisable Māori symbols. Roimata means “tear drop” and symbolises sadness or grief. Tapu refers to things that affect us that are beyond our understanding or our power to control. Many applicants for intellectual property rights whose intellectual property contains a Māori element are familiar with Māori culture and may have chosen their intellectual property for its specific Māori meaning. Using hei tiki for particular products or services may be offensive to Māori. In pre-contact society, tapu was one of the strongest forces in Māori life. People, places, events and objects can be Tapu and should not be interfered with. English words for tapu include holy, inaccessible, hallowed, holiness, sacred, sacredly, sacredness, sacrilege, saint and saintliness. A chief's house was tapu, and even the chief could not eat food in the interior of his house. Sites of whale strandings and any whale carcasses from strandings are treated as sacred ground.[8]. The extensions of tapu are the restrictions resulting from contact with something that is intrinsically tapu. They may be familiar, but are culturally significant to Māori, and therefore deserve special consideration and respect. The concepts of sacredness, restriction and disciplines fall under the term tapu. Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, "Entries for TAPU [OC] Prohibited, under ritual restriction, taboo",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, During the following year, the kinfolk of a prominent deceased person will visit other, A Rangatira (chief) or Toa (warrior), while having his. tapu sacred restrictionMāori | Noun from newly built houses. The pikorua symbolises the joining together of two people or spirits. There are two kinds of tapu, the private (relating to individuals) and the public tapu (relating to communities). For example, alcohol, tobacco, genetic technologies, gaming and gambling all have the potential to devalue Māori people, culture and values. It was sometimes given as a gift to comfort or console. The nature of traditional knowledge as a living and developing thing can mean that it is difficult to protect using intellectual property rights. The English word taboo derives from this later meaning and dates from Captain James Cook's visit to Tonga in 1777.. Crucial to this process was the concept of utu. Special consideration and respect Hei tiki is culturally significant and deserves special consideration and respect. It has the head of a bird, the body of a man, and the tail of a fish. Concerns and Provocations... Two main concerns of Māori Philosophy are: An ‘insider’ concern to develop theory, knowledge and practice from our own indigenous Māori ontological priorities for contemporary times. Māori scholar Te Rangi Hīroa (Peter Buck) suggested that the term derives from tohu, meaning to guide or direct. Full of meaning and symbolism, traditional Māori art and design form an important part of Māori identity and culture. Define tapu. This means that to understand the second aspect of tapu, we also need to understand noa. Tapu and noa remain part of Māori culture today, although persons today are not subject to the same tapu as that of previous times. For example, an urupā (graveyard) might be considered sacred, as may be a Whare Karakia (Church); both could certainly be described as tapu. Noa is the opposite of tapu, and includes the concept of ‘common’. Intrinsic, or primary, tapu are those things which are tapu in themselves. However, another important function of food is to remove tapu so it needs to be handled carefully around things that are considered to be tapu. talk through the circumstances in which the product was developed, and your business plan. But remember, you … Whales are regarded as spiritual treasures as being descendants of the ocean god, Tangaroa, and are as such held in very high respect. It has numerous meanings and references. In Māoridom, kuia is a name is used to show great respect — recognising a person’s achievements, wisdom and contribution. A violation of tapu could have dire consequences, including the death of the offender through sickness or at the hands of someone affected by the offence. This might include contacting the appropriate Māori elders or iwi representatives to: Two items with Māori cultural significance are protected by law in New Zealand: However, for most Māori elements, there aren’t explicit rules or a one-size-fits-all process to follow. Tapu. These may be a small part of a design, the entire design, or the inspiration for a new design. Pre-colonial Māori had no written language, so traditional knowledge was passed down through the generations orally or through art. However, sometimes there’s another layer of meaning or understanding that needs to be considered. It lifts the ‘tapu’ from the person or the object. Menstruating women were kept away from common areas because of their tapu state – contact with materials essential to society was seen as insulting the atua (gods). This represents the vaka/canoe which is important in traditional Pacific navigation and exploring new horizons. Importantly, the Māori culture is not homogenous throughout New Zealand, but rather cultural viewpoints and realities are based on the unique relationships people have with the natural ecosystems that they occupy (Marsden, 2003). © Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. A manaia provides spiritual guidance and strength. Ten of our favourite Māori words & their meanings. Not only were the houses of people of high rank perceived to be tapu, but also their possessions including their clothing. A new house today, for example, may have a noa ceremony to remove the tapu, in order to make the home safe before the family moves in. It is also said to be a good luck charm for those journeying over water. Culturally significant Hei tiki represents the unborn child and is associated with Hineteiwaiwa, the Māori goddess of childbirth. Tena koe! The term "taboo" comes from the Tongan tapu or Fijian tabu ("prohibited", "disallowed", "forbidden"), related among others to the Maori tapu and Hawaiian kapu. Māori attribute physical, economic, social, cultural, historic, and/or spiritual significance to certain words, expressions, performances, images, places, and things. It protected people and natural resources. They must partake in a formal welcoming ceremony, called a pōwhiri, to remove the tapu (sacredness) and become one people with those of the marae. You’re welcome to stop and take a look from the outside. This page was last edited on 20 October 2020, at 03:02. Teina Younger sibling of the same sex, extends across to cousins of the same sex and generation but in a younger branch of the family. Conclusions: Wairua (spiritual) problems can resemble psychiatric disorders or symptoms. Today, tapu is still observed in matters relating to sickness, death, and burial: Tapu is also still observed at the site of whale strandings. A person, object or place that is tapu may not be touched or, in … There are two kinds of tapu, the private (relating to individuals) and the public tapu (relating to communities). Tapu definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Also, everything associated with the human body is considered tapu in Māori belief. There are many cases where it would not be appropriate to copy or use a Māori cultural element, especially a traditional one. A trade mark containing Papatūānuku on goods that are noa (eg food) would be considered offensive, and could be raised as an objection against a New Zealand trade mark application. Māori feel an obligation to act as kaitiaki (guardian, custodian) of mauri. This can be removed with water, or food and karakia. Large pieces, like canoes (waka) and meeting houses (wharenui), and small pieces, like weapons, vessels, tools, jewellery and clothing, all communicate a story and have meaning and significance. Papatūānuku is one of the most significant Māori atua or tipuna (god or spiritual ancestor), and is therefore tapu. Many of these items are mass-produced in factories outside New Zealand, often by non-Māori artists. Home; Random; Nearby; Log in; Settings; About Wikipedia; Disclaimers Particular products or services may be a good luck charm for those journeying over.... Private ( relating to communities ) or places which are tapu meaning māori must be alone. Described or framed as meaning ‘ sacred ’, and could not be interfered with Māori. Resemble psychiatric disorders or symptoms to keep the intellectual property rights sacred ground [..., health is not just physical, it is also said to a. James Ataria a, Virginia Baker B, E.R the country is going through a real revival of Reo! 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